Building resilience and a higher functioning body.

breath episode11 episode12 gca Dec 12, 2021

December 8, 2021


~ Unlocking the Mystery of the 1st to 2nd Energy Centre ~

This weeks journey we are completing on 3 key vital principles to create better health, healing and success in your day.

Benefit #1 

Bringing together a deep diaphragmatic breath, coupled with grounding, centering and aligning (GCA) creates the safety container and stability in the body. Connecting to your heart centre calls in your energy resources that are projected outwards and align to universal energy, resources our higher Self.

Benefit #2

Your breath and ground center, align (GCA) is an effective practice of mindfulness, accessing your sensory organs (sight, smell, sound, taste) keeps us in the present moment. Each assists to engage, calm, and nourish your para-sympathetic nervous system.  

Benefit #3

The daily practice of grounding, centering, and aligning is a simple and highly effective practice that expands your awareness beyond your surroundings, calms your thoughts, and attunes to a higher frequency of inner intelligence. 

BlissBE.MIND+ENERGY - Podcast + Video Series

Unlocking the Mystery of your Energy Body - Every WED + SAT 08:45 PST

 WED Episode 11-  Align to your higher Self

 SAT Episode 12-  Complete "Ground, Centre, Align" GCA

Each episode closes with a nourishing meditation.


You can also tune in here:


As you restore your nervous system with these daily practices, you are building resilience and a higher functioning body.

Your energetic body needs to be recharged and this practice is the foundation. Connecting the energy of mother earth and universal energy with our energy body is vital to replenish your body's innate healing mechanisms.

Your greater awareness and connectivity may be experienced as more energy, stability, clarity and focus. As the mind becomes more nourished you may begin to notice a reduction in frustration, stress, anxiety, fear of the uncertainty,

Next week we start to learn how to add more peace, calm and manage the mind. 

I hope you are enjoying your journey, feel free to reach out if you are seeking support or wish to amply your personal potential for the new year.


Experience your difference. 

Blessings, Debra  


Debra O’Neill

Integrative Holistic Practitioner



Integrative Holistic Health Inc.

[email protected] 

"Everything is here for you waiting to be received." 


50% Complete

Two Step

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