Your Subtle Energy Body SPEAKS

Your Subtle Energy Body SPEAKS

Do you know the subtle body energy is known as the somatic body.   

BlissBE.MIND+ENERGY - Podcast + Video Series

Unlocking the Mystery of your Energy Body - Every WED + SAT 08:45 PST

Wed Episode  #19 - Body Walk

Equally important to taking a walk outside, is to take a walk on your body's inside. Experience the sound of a brass singing bowl, I carried all the way back from South India.

Sat Episode #20 - Your Sleep 

It's a bummer day, you get to decide. Setting the tone to the start of your day,

Experience the drumming of a sacred healing drum I had the honour to make myself.  


You can also tune in here:



Experience your difference.

Blessings, Debra  


Debra O’Neill

Integrative Holistic Practitioner


Work with me  www.BlissBE.ME 

Integrative Holistic Health Inc.

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